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Friday, June 1, 2012

Bewildered New World Predicted more than 10 years ago

Free Trade now has more than a 15 year history of failures.  Free Trade and Globalization is the major cause of our economic crisis. The economic crisis was predicted by Manuel Castells as the Bewildered New World more than 15 years ago. 1995- The first stimulus package went to a foreign nation - Mexico.  NAFTA was a failure before it ever got its name. It took over the Maquiladora factory programs that never worked. President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to save their economy and the peso which was affecting the value of money around the world.Globalist Free Traders say the Great Depression was caused by protectionism. We ask where when and how did this protectionism cause it after the stock market crashed in 1929. I found no evidence of protectionism with President Roosevelt having the power to lower or raise tariffs at will.  However the money crisis caused by the stock market crash limited world trade because there was no money for transactions. Seeing this Roosevelt enacted the Lend Lease program that triggered U.S. industrial might. Later World War 2 was won by the awesome U.S. industrial power - the greatest the world had ever seen.  Then the free traders came and chopped it up into pieces and sent the parts around the world for the sake of the money changers who wanted to create money products. The value of workers and labor was deflated. This value was the only real tangible value left in the world with paper money needing to be manipulated in many forms for it to grow values.  And now, our economies based on making money on money instead of making things are burning out.
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list of thousands of resources under tapsearcher,, tapsearcher ray tapajna or arklineart. See also  - or  No one wants protectionism. Everyone wants real world trade and not so called free trade based on moving factories from place to place anywhere in the world for the sake of cheaper labor. Join our journey in the global economic arena through all the pages on this site -  Where are you in the global economic arena?

Newt Gingrich's Contract with America ignored
free trade issue and betrayal of workers - Click [ art by J.Suits, 12/11/94 ]
FROM THE DIVINE TO THE DEFICIT__ Published in 1994 __Predicted the Economic Crisis that Occupys All Streets in 2012 
Can  Gingrich and the Republicans keep their promises- and should they?
By Ray Tapajna, Cleve Plain Dealer 12/11/94
  As a Conservative, I apologize to the American worker (for Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh (Limbaugh was instrumental in the elections of the new Contract with America Republicans.) Soon they will be promising a chicken for every pot and telling us to be happy. Maybe Gingrich will add it to the "contract".
 What they don't understand is that many of us came out of the woodwork (to vote) because the option of being "Clintonized" was too much to handle. We were against the new GATT because we were against the old GATT that exported our jobs and industries. Anyone who has dealth with this end of things knows that our American idea if fair play doesn't happen in many foreign countries.Anyone who has been on either side of a strike line knows nothing gets resolved by moving the jobs outside the USA. It seem both Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh have a problem in defining what human dignity is all about
  Those who feel Limbaugh betrayed them by hiding  his real feelings about the GATT trade agreement until after the election should drop a note to  his sponsors and the radiio station to tell them to boycott  their products.  Then we conservatives would like to reach out to the workers of America and offer an alliance of solidarity until this terrible "Big Money" thing stops stealing the Ameriacn Dream from us. In the meantime, the Republicans can stuff their 'Contract with America'. GATT should have been part of it.
(President Clinton and a Democrat controlled Congress passed both NAFTA and GATT. GATT was passed in a Lameduck session even though the Republicans had won the House- Clinton joined hands with Dole and Gingrich Republicans in betraying the American workers.-- President Bush followed in 2000 and passed Fast Track which in effect made the Executive Branch of the US , the new CEO of the world economy .-- This  had no basis in our Constitution or history. President Obama picks up where the others left off and bails out big money and puts them back in charge of the process ) See  

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