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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Sell Out of America

THE SELL OUT OF  AMERICA! 50% of U.S. Human Resources are not being used ! Economic reports show about 50 percent of all workers in America are unemployed, underemployed or missing in action from any kind of reporting.

A chronicle  of our times from the streets of USA mixed with art that talks about Globalism, Free Trade, Jobs etc  related to  the  most massive dislocation of jobs in U.S. history.   NAFTA, GATT, WTO and other trade agreements have betrayed the American workers and workers everywhere. (You are at - jot down address -  or    


 ....through the most massive dislocation of jobs in its history. Unemployment rate has been over 15% compared to the 1970s, plus at least 4 Million are missing in action from any kind of reporting ( This is the Bureau of Labor stat - see below.) ....... plus many are underemployed. Only about 38 percent of all workers qualify for unemployment insurance. This means, more than 60 percent are living in an economic limbo missing action from any kind of real reporting of our labor conditions in the USA

The Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that at least 4 million workers are missing in action having given up looking for work. (It is actually much higher than this - here is how the BLS obtains its unemployment information.

...The U.S. Labor Dept. actually has 6 different categories used to report the unemployment rate. The media only gives the one that shows the lowest rate.  It they reported the U-6 series, it would show an over 10% unemployment rate. U-6 includes discouraged job seekers, marginally attached workers and forced part-timers. Overall, it is impossible to compare the unemployment rate with the past since primarily only full time jobs with benefits were reported in the past. Part-time work was usuallly a separate category. Today, even a person making only a $100 a month is considered employed.  Also the unemployment rate was formerly based on unemployment insurance but now since only 40% of all workers nationally qualify for unemployment, the Bureau of Labor Statistics changed their methods  and poll about 50,000 households a month to get their results.  So when a political leader  states that we have the lowest unemployment rate in 20 to 30 years, this is not true since the methods are completely different.

When a BSL poll taker calls a household , they ask the person anserwing the phone if they were looking for a job in the previous month. If they say no, they are considered employed. If a person says they are helping out in the family business or on a family farm without pay while seeking a job, they are considered employed. If they say they are a consultant or have a side business while seeking a job, they are considered employed. (In high tech, many of the unemloyed call themselves consultants until they find a job.)

In addition, temporary jobs, day labor, contract, leased, part time etc are all considered jobs these days even if the person is hardly making any income. 60% of all workers do not work long enough or make enough money in any given period to qualify for unemployment insurance. For this reason, the Bureau of Labor Satistics said they had to find a new way to count the unemployment rate and could not depend on the unemployment insurance offices for their reporting. Get America Working Forum says that 50% of U.S. human resources are not being used.
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