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Friday, June 1, 2012

Ray Tapajna online since 1998 exploring the global economic arena

Updated 6/1/12
Need Bottom Up - Solutions - from bottom to top - not from the top to the bottom
Attn: Occupy Wall Street protesters - Free trade is economic cancer. Free trade can not be left out of the Occupy movement.

If free trade agreements had to be ratified by a popular vote, how many of them do you think would have passed.

All decisions should be made at the lowest level possible - (subsidiarity)

News and statistics about our economy  are stuck in time frames and time lines and do not stream from a starting point.  Instead they are divided by  time, presidents are in power. And it is obvious, workers have no voice in the process.  This is the story behind free trade. In 1992, as thousands of computer businesses were closing down due to free trade and outsourcing, I found an article in a trade journal about the U.S. Federal Government actually sponsoring the moving of factories outside of the U.S. starting in 1956. It was supposed to be a temporary program to test how the U.S. could help the Mexican and Central American economies while providing cheaper goods to U.S. consumers. It was obvious that the central value was the cost of labor and somehow by sending production to others countries using impoverished workers, everything would work out for the better.

This temporary U.S. Federal Government Program never ended and first evolved into the maquiladora factories in Mexico that paid workers only a few dollars per day. Some employers rewarded their workers by letting them take home a empty shipping box or container to live in.

During the first twenty years, only a few hundred factories were moved. However, by 1992, more than 2,000 U.S. factories were moved to Mexico alone. This was before the NAFTA and GATT free trade agreements were passed by President Clinton and a Democrat controlled congress. After NAFTA was passed, the number of factories moved to Mexico alone quickly doubled to more than 4,000. By this time, millions of workers in the USA were losing their jobs. The 1990s proved to be the most massive dislocation of workers in U.S. history. Millions lost their jobs in the computer industry too. About the same time, NAFTA was passed, just between IBM and AT&T / NCR, 350,000 workers lost their jobs in just one year.

While President Clinton proclaimed prosperity, Getting America Working reported that 50 percent of U.S. human resources was not being used. The unemployment rate was fiction compared to the way it was reported in the past with millions of workers missing in action. Only about 38 percent of all workers qualified for unemployment insurance and this has remained the same for years. This means that more than 60 percent of the U.S. workforce is living in some kind of limbo hidded from any kind of real reporting. The U.S. most likely has about a 50 percent unemployment or underemployment rate. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans exposed a vast underclass living in a silent depression - and not only there but across the U.S.A.

After passing the NAFTA free trade agreement, President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to save the peso and the Mexican economy. And so our first bail out went to a foreign country. It demonstrated how our economies were based on making money on money instead of making things.

The globalization of money came first. Free trade separated the financial world from production. This also happened in 1956 during the Suez Canal crisis. The Suez Canal crisis triggered a financial collapse in England causing a domino affect throughout the world. It was a forecast of things to come in our times as the value of workers and labor were deflated. The value of workers and labor are real tangible values and actually represent a more solid money standard than paper money which requires all kinds of manipulations in a global casino to grow values. It is a giant ponzi scheme based on free trade. Free trade has proved to be the biggest scam in more than a century with elite groupings working as one in governments, large corporations, money markets, the media and even in the academic world flowing from the Ivy League universities, promoting it. The Flat World is not flat. The globalist world is imploding.

Actually, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said it all during a congressional hearing prior to President Bush passing the first stimulus package. Bernanke said the best way to stimulate the economy is to buy "domestically produced goods."

However, his testimony is still ignored while President Obama chose to bail out the financial communities behind the free trade scam that caused the problems.
In reality President Obama is trying to bail out free trade by putting tariffs on future generations. He is doing this instead of telling the world that our economies based on making money on money in a global casino, instead of making things are burning out. Worst yet, he ignores the suffering of the millions of U.S workers and small and large businesses that lost everything due to free trade.

Please pass on this information to all people of good will. And note more of our blogs and sites below. Search under, tapsearcher, ray tapajna, arklineart or tapart news for thousands of results and references. Search under the title of our most popular editorial artwork at - Clinton Years American Dream Reversed - and you will find millions of results and references.


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