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Friday, May 31, 2013

Economic Lies Not New

Communications by Rank

Real World News- Ray Tapajna Living Journals

lost jobs, free trade, economic crisis, jobs crisis, workers betrayed
A generation of economic lies

The Back to the Future Economic Lie

Big lies about the economy are not new - What Year was this ?

They coined the term "Rust Belt" and told us a new economy was on the way.

More than a million workers in the computer industry have lost their jobs. More than a hundred major computer manufacturers have closed down. Micro computers are only assembled in our country with the parts coming from the sweatshops of the world. Now, another 200,000 workers lost their jobs in the computer industry during a time when the President and Congress passed new programs to import cheaper labor to fill positions where they said there was a shortage of qualified workers. It was obvious that this was a lie.

During this time, the Y2k crisis was costing billions of dollars to fix a computer problem caused by a shortage of workers but the shortage was due to so many workers being fired and for a decade, U.S. computer systems were not being updated as they should have been. The Wall Street Journal, reported, companies were afraid to rehire fired workers because so many were "disgruntled". Others used a more appropriate word describing the fired workers as being "livid".

In the Silicon Valley, many workers were ready to go on strike because of working conditions, but were afraid to do it because they knew they would be fired and replaced. Only a few news channels reported the problem. It was not only a Y2k crisis but also a human problem too. Many workers in the computer field, were only able to get periodical contract jobs with no benefits what so ever. A darkness fell over the land with workers living under conditions they never experienced before.

Some of the top high technology companies, also found ways to fire workers before the reach the age of forty when the age discrimination laws kicked in.

FACE, an organization of past and present INTEL workers cited many cases of age discrimination and other violations at INTEL.

Here are some sad examples of workers passing the forty age mark. We have left their names out of the story that were given in these stories. It sums up the conditions back then. Sadly, today they are just another story about the the greatest betrayal of workers in U.S. history. Note too this is the computer industry and not a story about the "Rust Belt" workers.

R------- P-------, over 50, passes out his resume at job fairs, It took him eight months just to find a temporary contract job which ended quickly. His resume covers many high accomplishments in the computer field.
( Note during this time, reportedly one third of all workers who lost their jobs at age 55 and above, never found another job.)

G--- N-----, age 46, with a doctorate in biophysics which he no longer mentions on his resume while he does only telephone support work while searching for a regular position. He maintains there is no shortage of programmers and finds the only shortage there is in the field are twenty-five to thirty-nine old workers with the same skills.

A----- K------. age 44, who has a masters in computer sciences, says she has had only one interview in the past year.

W------ S-----, age 48, says he has many portable skills and has lowered his income requirements and can not find a position. He has a doctorate in physics along with programming experience. He says that age discrimination is so widespread that it has come invisible. Too many are ashamed of their circumstances to broadcast their plight but hope this calamity will be more out in the open.

The time never came and now these people are in the Social Security age group. A church bulletin back then, carried this line for a long time - " Success is reaching Social Security age without having to declare bankruptcy."

The year was 1998 and now it is just old news because not much  has changed.

1 comment:

  1. See
    for summary list of top articles sites from TheRationale.Com which explores the latent response of religion and philosophy to the global economy along with a historical profile of flawed theories including a study of liberalism from a philosophic stance.
    They are
